4.11.12 – (LAA) – National Coordinators and Division Rep Appointments
Special APFA Hotline
April 11, 2012 – National Coordinators and Division Rep Appointments
Today, the APFA Executive Committee met by teleconference to confirm appointments for the administrative positions of National Coordinators and Division Representatives for two-year terms commencing May 1. Confirmed as National Coordinators, as reappointed by President Laura Glading, are:
- Brent Peterson (JFK) for Contract;
- Kelly Skyles (IMA) for Safety and Security;
- Kim Coats (IDF) for Health;
- Kelly Gambello (IMA) for Hotels.
The EC has confirmed President Glading’s new appointments of:
- Leslie Mayo (LAX) for Communications Coordinator; and
- Clint Breen (IOR) for Scheduling Coordinator.
Confirmed as Division Representatives, as appointed by Vice President Marcus Gluth, are:
- Nena Martin (STL) for Division 1 – the bases of LAX, LAX-I, SFO, and STL;
- Liz Geiss (DFW) for Division 2 – the bases of DFW, IDF, and DCA;
- Beth Kilcran (IOR) for Division 3 – the bases of ORD and IOR;
- Catt Napper (IMA) for Division 4 – the bases of MIA, IMA and RDU-I; and
- Jennifer McCauley (BOS) for Division 5 – the bases of JFK, LGA, BOS and BOS-I.
The appointment of Base Chairpersons Nena Martin, Beth Kilcran and Jennifer McCauley will necessitate elections for the Vice Chairperson postion at their respective bases per Article VI, Section 8.B. Once the timeline for these elections has been determined it will be announced via the APFA hotline.
As a reminder AFA-Eagle will be hosting a picketing event tomorrow, Thursday, April 12 in ORD from 11 am to 3 pm CT on the upper level of Terminal 3. Please show your support by attending this event if you will be in the Chicago area.