11.15.15 – Report Times for LUS Flight Attendants
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Report Times for LUS Flight Attendants
Effective with the December 2015 bid month, the report times for LUS Flight Attendants will change as follows:
“Non-International Premium Destination (NIPD)” is International flying that does not meet the definition of International Premium Destination Flying**.
“International Premium Destination (IPD)” is defined as any operating or deadheading flight to/from Europe, Asia, and destinations in Deep South America, e.g., Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santiago, Chile and Buenos Aires etc., that have a premium level of service comparable to European destinations. Hawaii and other destinations will also be considered International Premium Destinations if the routes include a premium level of service.
“Duty Period/On-Duty Time” shall include all flight segments, ground time between flight segments, plus report time before scheduled departure of a flight and continue until fifteen (15) minutes for Domestic and thirty (30) minutes for International after the arrival of such flight, or actual release time, whichever is later as follows.
1. All Domestic flights shall report one (1) hour before scheduled departure and continue until fifteen (15) minutes after the actual arrival.
2. All NIPD flight segments shall report one (1) hour before scheduled departure and continue until thirty (30) minutes after the actual arrival.
3. All IPD flight segments as defined in Paragraph Y shall report one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes before scheduled departure and continue until thirty (30) minutes after the actual arrival.
4. The report and release times also apply to deadhead flight segments.
Brian Clark
APFA Interim National Communications Chair
[email protected]