RAPs – Frequently Asked Questions
Your APFA Joint Scheduling Implementation Committee along with APFA Contract and Scheduling Departments have received many questions from Flight Attendants regarding Reserve Availability Periods (RAPs) with the implementation of ROTA. Here are some FAQ’s regarding RAPs.
Q. What is a modified RAP?
A. When you are released from a sequence you will have at least 12 hours rest before you can be assigned a RAP. If you are not legal for a full RAP, you can request a modified start time to your RAP.
Q. If I am not legal for a full RAP, how can I bid for a modified RAP.
A. If you would like a modified RAP, bid like you normally would for any full RAP in the future bid section. A RAP will be modified based on the release time of your previous sequence plus applicable home based rest (HBR).
Q. Can I be assigned a modified RAP?
A. No, if you have not bid for a ROTA future RAP, you cannot be assigned a modified RAP. If you have not bid or have a standing bid for a RAP, they will not be considered a bid for a modified RAP.
Q. If I don’t bid but am legal for a full RAP will I be assigned a RAP?
A. Yes, you can be assigned a full RAP for which you are legal.
Q. If I bid for a modified RAP but am legal for a full RAP, what will I be assigned?
A. You will be assigned a full RAP that you are legal for. Only with crew scheduling’s discretion, can you be awarded a modified RAP.
Q. If I bid for a RAP and am not legal for any full RAP’s, what will be the start time of the modified RAP?
A. The start time will be the point that you become legal at the end of your rest.
Example: If you are released from your sequence at 0600 but have placed a bid in ROTA and the last available RAP is from 1400-0200 that day, your modified RAP would be from 1800 (following 12 hours home rest) until 0200.
Q. If I’m not legal for a full RAP and do not bid for a modified RAP, what happens?
A. You have missed the ROTA run and do not have a RAP. You do not need to remain contactable to crew scheduling.
What are my responsibilities when on a RAP?
Q. Do I need to acknowledge a RAP award/assignment?
A. RAP’s do not require acknowledgement, however you are responsible to check your schedule at the beginning of your RAP to see if you have been awarded/assigned a sequence.
Q. My RAP begins at 0700. Scheduling has placed a sequence with an 0900 report. How much time do I have to report?
A. You have 2 (3 for co-terminal) hours to report to the airport (callout). Regardless of the scheduled departure time you will always have 2 (3 for co-terminal) to report to the airport.
Q. My RAP begins at 1000. Scheduling has placed a sequence with an 1130 report. How much time do I have to report?
A. You have 2 (3 for co-terminal) hours to report to the airport (callout).
Q. My RAP begins at 1400. Scheduling has placed a sequence with an 1600 departure. How much time do I have to report?
A. Regardless of the scheduled departure time you will always have 2 (3 for co-terminal) to report to the airport.
Q. I was assigned RAP D in DFW, 1800 to 0600. This RAP goes into my Golden Day (GD), what do I do? What if it goes into my Flex Day (FD)?
A. You cannot be assigned or rescheduled into your GD. Your RAP will end at 2359 prior to the beginning of the golden day. If your next day is a FD, following the order of 12.k.2, you may be scheduled to fly into your FD. You cannot be scheduled a report that begins on your FD unless 12.M.4, Priority of Trip Assignment (POTA) has been reached.
Q. Can I ever be assigned into my Golden Day (GD)?
A. No, under no circumstances can you be assigned into your GD.
Q. My RAP begins at 0700. It is currently 0645 and scheduling is calling me to assign me sequence with an 0845 report. Am I obligated to answer my phone and report to the airport at 0845?
A. You are not obligated to answer your phone until the beginning of your RAP at 0700. You are never obligated to answer the phone outside of your RAP. The earliest you can report to the airport is 0900.
In Unity,
[email protected]
Alin Boswell
Julie Hedrick
Linda Haertling
Vicki Balistreri