11.17.18 – It’s Your Right to Picket – November 18, 2018
Saturday, November 17, 2018
“It’s Your Right to Picket”
Some of our members are concerned about showing up to picket on November 18. Federal law protects Flight Attendants’ “right to organize and bargain collectively,” and prohibits employers from “interfer[ing] in any way with the organization of its employees…” 45 U.S.C. § 152 Fourth.
Additionally, please know that APFA has taken care to make sure that organizers for each city have obtained the proper permits. As long as the requirements of the permit at your chosen picketing location are being followed (please check with your local mobilizer) and as long as you are properly present (i.e. are not off sick, are not missing a trip, etc.), there should be no issues. If there is an issue on picketing day, please notify your union representatives immediately.
Every base has event mobilizers who will be present to coordinate your activity.
If you are unable to attend, join us online!
There will be a a virtual picket line on our WAAKE Up American Facebook Group
Picket Guideline
Each picketer must sign the sign in sheet prior to picketing. If you’d like to sign up to be a Mobilizer, mobilizer sign-up sheets are also available.
Each Airport establishes its own restrictions on picketing. Your Base President or Mobilizer Base Captain will have the specific restrictions. Please make sure you know the specific restrictions at your airport and abide by them.
T-shirts will be provided while supplies last. Dress casual or in uniform. Alternative or old blues preferred if in uniform.
Do not obstruct the flow of traffic, or engage in any altercation, argument or misconduct. Wear comfortable shoes and follow guidelines you would normally follow while on duty. Please be professional at all times. Follow the directions of your local Base Mobilizers.
If approached by the media, please direct them to the Base Mobilizer at your location. Only “official spokespersons” are authorized to speak for the APFA.
If you haven’t done so, join our Facebook Group and get your marching shoes ready!