1.9.19 – Willingness-to-Serve
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Due to eligibility requirements, candidate Deanna Jones, who submitted her Willingness-to-Serve for BOS Base President, has been deemed ineligible. Amy Milenkovic is duly elected as the BOS Base President.
Congratulations to Amy Milenkovic.
It has been brought to the attention of the NBC that Tim Schwartz’s Willingness-to-Serve for SFO BCR also contained, on the same form, a Willingness-to-Serve for SFO VP. As such, both he and August Whitaker have been contacted, and both will be candidates for the upcoming SFO VP election.
Elizabeth Lazcano, candidate for LGA VP, has asked the NBC to have her name withdrawn as a candidate in the upcoming election.