5.10.19 – PBS Bidding Tip: 7 & 7
PBS Guide
There is an updated version of the PBS guide on the APFA website and JetNet.
Who should bid 7 Layers as a lineholder and 7 layers as a reserve?
In PBS you can bid 7 layers as a lineholder and 7 layers as reserve. The question that many have is why would I want and/or need to bid both as a lineholder and a reserve?
When PBS opens you will see your status on your PBS dashboard. While the Lineholder Reserve Designator (LRD) will process who will be a lineholder or reserve, at the close of PBS bidding and prior to processing your status may change.
Immediately prior to the close of PBS bidding, there are often a number of flight attendants who become unavailable for various reasons (medical leave, etc.) which would create lineholder openings. If you were in either the tentative or reserve grouping and toggled to Pref LH and could not hold lineholder status you would be the first (in seniority order) to move to lineholder status.
The following is the priority order of reserves that would be moved to lineholder status.
- Tentative flight attendants who were involuntarily moved to reserve status.
- Reserve flight attendants who toggled to Pref LH in LRD who were unable to hold lineholder status in LRD.
- Most junior reserve flight attendants involuntarily moved to lineholder status after all the above been utilized.
It is important to remember you can have a standing bid as a lineholder or a reserve. If you do not add a lineholder bid for the current month but have a standing bid in it will be used if you are moved from reserve to lineholder in the processing of PBS.