11.13.20 – DFW Rocket Survey
Friday, November 13, 2020
DFW Rocket Survey
Hello, DFW!
With the varying challenges of restrictions in certain countries and the fluidity of the schedules, the company has proposed the reinstitution of rocket flying in the South American markets. The company has asked if DFW would like to see rocket flying on GRU and EZE pairings. We could not, in good faith, answer this question without your valued input.
Therefore, we have created a survey for an opportunity to use your voice and answer if you would like to see rocket flying to South America. Please click on the link to take this anonymous, one minute survey. Your voice is invaluable, and we want to hear from you.
The deadline for the survey will be November 30th at 2359 CST.
Access the survey here,
In Solidarity,
Amber De Roxtra
APFA DFW Base President
(682) 422-7179
[email protected]
Amy Knox Green
APFA DFW Base Vice President
(972) 696-9766
[email protected]
Please remember, we have 7,985 involuntarily furloughed Flight Attendants at American Airlines.